6 incredible non-for-profits to get behind in 2022


October 11, 2022

The Commons we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and connect with so many amazing people doing just that. From organisations providing a platform for marginalised members of our community to non-for-profits raising awareness and funds for important causes.

The Commons we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and connect with so many amazing people doing just that. From organisations providing a platform for marginalised members of our community to non-for-profits raising awareness and funds for important causes.

While the holiday season may be behind us for now, there’s something to be said about the act of giving back, all year ‘round.

At The Commons, we love all-things that make the world a better place. Puppies, coffee, sunshine, those extra crunchy fries at the bottom of the box that you savour right till the end.

But above all, we love people that make the world a better place.

This month we’re exploring the idea of ‘nourish’ and what it means to feel nourished.

In an earlier blog post we looked into how this idea comes to life on a personal level, exploring self-reflection in conversation with life coach and QV member Alex Staples, and how we can align our sense of self with our goals in order to live a happier and healthier 2022.

Now, we want to explore the literal interpretation. The people, companies and organisations on the front line, working tirelessly to support our most vulnerable and create positive change – the unsung heroes of our community.

We’re fortunate at The Commons to have the opportunity to meet and connect with so many amazing people doing just that. From organisations providing a platform for marginalised members of our community to non-for-profits raising awareness and funds for important causes.

Here, we’ve rounded up just a few to get behind.


Members at Gipps Street

Co-Ground are scholarship members at our Gipps Street location, 100% of the profits generated by Co-Ground’s social enterprise support our local and global projects generating funding to improve access to education, employment, health and sanitation.

Who Gives A Crap

Members at Cremorne

If you’re a member of The Commons, there’s no doubt you’ll be familiar with our friends at Who Gives A Crap AKA the geniuses behind the ethically-made loo paper that's been...erm, saving your bum, so to speak (and our planet, of course).

What started as a crowdfunding campaign back in 2012 has since grown into a global social impact leader who have donated over $10 million to date to improving global sanitation. We've loved watching our friends at Who Gives A Crap grow and expand their toilet paper empire over the years at The Commons. You can show your support for the Australian-based social enterprise by shopping their toilet paper, paper towels and more here.


Members at QV & Chippendale

Did you know that 771 million people globally don’t have access to clean water close to their homes? And that another 1.7 billion people don’t have a decent toilet of their own? We’ve got the perfect way to make a huge, long-lasting impact on the livelihood of these individuals and families – WaterAid.

WaterAid is an international charity that works to provide access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to communities in need. Through working with local partners, communities and supporters, the organisation works to convince governments and service providers to prioritise clean water and hygiene for their citizens. Donate, volunteer and attend their events here.

Kua Coffee

Scholarship Members at Chippendale

The Commons’ caffeine dependent members (guilty) will be familiar with Kua Coffee, the team behind your morning – and afternoon – coffee(s). Based in Sydney, Kua coffee is sourced directly from Mount Elgon in Uganda using sustainable practices that puts farmers and the environment first.

Through a circular model approach, Kua Coffee recycles your coffee grounds in local community gardens and projects, resulting in over 5,240 kilograms of used coffee grounds saved from landfill to date. Show your support by shopping and sipping their glorious brew here.